Business Partnership
EXPERT-Engineering LLC, a reliable business partner in the implementation of development projects.
Our advantage and unquestionable value is our employee. Our team of professionals and like-minded people who are able to solve
complex and non-standard tasks in the field of construction design, ready to offer the customer effective and modern
technical solutions and realise the most ambitious plans. Our employees have undergone a rigorous professional selection process and have gained experience in
working in leading design, consulting and engineering companies.
Today our main areas of activity are:
■ complex architectural and construction design;
■ support of development projects of any scale;
■ non-state expertise of project documentation;
We treat each client as a partner, listen to the client to understand their motivation, show the most effective ways of solving problems and guarantee the best result. Our clients include architects, investors and developers from the top 10 in Russia, as well as well-known Russian and foreign brands.

Our business partner
Chief Architect ADC Group DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION,
Moscow, Russia
Ph.D. in architecture;
▪ Professor of the International Academy of Architecture;
▪ Member of the Union of Architects of Russia and the American Institute of Architecture;
▪ Nominee of the Aga Khan Foundation Prize for Islamic Architecture, awarded the UNESCO Medal for the Protection of Cultural Heritage;
▪ Laureate of the UNESCO Prize;
▪ Laureate of international architectural
▪ Participant of international exhibitions;
▪ Head and Chief Architect of the "Architectural Workshop of Alexander Zusik",
Moscow, Russia

Our business partner
Boris Uborevich-Borovsky
▪ Member of the Union of Moscow Architects, Professor of the Moscow Architectural Institute, Head of the architectural studio
▪ One of the organisers and Chairman of the Moscow Architectural Society (MAO);
▪ Specialisation: design of public and residential spaces, urban planning, interior design;
▪ Hobbies: plays in the rock band Bomb Lane Band, collects guitars and sports cars;
▪ Favourite direction is minimalism: "A good architect should be few";
Our partners

Foreign partners

- Belvedere Architecture - Antonio Belvedere (France, Paris)
- Studio Apostoli - Alberto Apostoli (Italy, Verona)
- Federico Delrosso Architects - Federico Delrosso (Italy, Milan)
- MARCO PIVA STUDIO (Italy, Milan)
We can help your team realise great architecture!
С Уважением к Вам и Вашему делу.